August 30, 2011

Splurge vs. Save

A while ago trusted cabinet member Jess (you remember her from the series, right?) came across these amazing Alice + Olivia High Waist Wide Leg Pants (which also come in cobalt blue - I kind of die). Ever since then we've been on a quest for a more affordable pair. We can do better than $198.

Enter Express. You know that store you shopped at as a teenager? At least I haven't been in there since I was watching real-time episodes of 90210. Well let me tell you, I'm going to get on the "express train" over to Express because $69.90 leaves me $128.10 to go shopping with. Done and done.


  1. go for the express pair! i kinda like the color better. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  2. Ugh - I drove to the mall today, specifically to buy these pants in red & camel...and they didn't have any in the tall length (and of course, they're sold out online). :(

  3. Ha ha ha. "Real-time episodes of 90210." I love it! I just had a flashback to my hometown mall and trips to Express. Love both choices, but love $128.10 left for more shopping even better. Thanks for the tip!!
