December 30, 2011

What I Wore to Work Recap

If you follow C & C on Facebook, or were reading the blog back in September, you know that earlier this year I decided to post regularly some of my work outfits. We all know dressing for work can be a challenge. I work in a conservative environment, but like to follow trends. That means I have to find ways to incorporate what's trendy into classic and sophisticated looks. Some days it works, and others it doesn't. We're all human. I've got to take my own pictures in a mirror (not so legit), but I hope it gives you some inspiration for your own work attire. I know that it gives me some accountability to be creative with my wardrobe. So as 2011 comes to a close, here's a recap of "What I Wore to Work." Check out the FB page for more.

Let me know if you like this series and what more you'd like to see, and I'll try to incorporate your feedback in the new year! Make sure to like our Facebook page for regular updates and follow us on Twitter @CardiCouture.

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