October 2, 2013

White After Labor Day

I'm all for etiquette, in fact I think we need more of it these days, but there's one rule I think is meant to be broken - white after Labor Day. As far back as the 1920s white was a year-round staple for Coco Chanel...and she is pretty much a fashion deity. If Coco says it's okay, let it be so. I've been on a kick with my white jeans, and thought I'd inspire you to do the same.

Unfortunately I don't have a professional photographer taking my photo, but you get the idea. If you don't take my word for it, here are some incredibly fabulous people showing us it's completely acceptable and fashionable to wear white year round.

White Jeans via The Sartorialist

Winter White

White and Black Leather via Cheetah is the New Black

 Do you believe in white after Labor Day?


  1. First of all, I like when you post the selfies of your fashion...it doesn't matter that the photos aren't professional. I like that your style is approachable. To answer your question, I only do winter white after Labor Day, but I live in a small town in the South...a setting where the "rule" is probably the most strict. I say wear what makes you feel good!


  2. Emily, thanks for your comments! And for understanding that my photos are wha they are :-) We're so glad to have you as a reader!
